Saturday, July 26, 2008

persons of good character

Rea Hudson, 1930, Courtesy of the Baltimore-Pritchett Collection

These expenditures, never very large, reflected the sincere interest of the mill owners in the well-being of their laborers. It was as if the directors considered the company primarily responsible for the workers' conduct and attitudes. Led by Marchant, the management undertook to screen out all undesirables. The background of any prospective employee of either sex was closely examined and "only persons of good character" were hired.--Harry Poindexter

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Monday, March 3, 2008


Within a year, the company?s stock and mortgage liabilities settled down to a total capitalization of about $101,000 in common stock, $56,000 in preferred stock, and $52,000 in mortgage bonds. Except for the gradual retirement of the mortgage, which was accomplished by 1903, these figures remained relatively constant until 1896. In that year the accumulated surplus was distributed to common stock owners pro rata in the form of $50,000 worth of new common stock. Capitalization was then set at $200,000. This in turn grew to $300,000 in 1902 when the surplus was once again capitalized in the form of capital stock. No further changes occurred before the outbreak of war in 1914, but the surplus had grown again to nearly $60,000 by that date.--Harry Poindexter

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

1915 Woolen Mills Road

City bus turns at the Woolen Mills office building, c. 1950. The sign on the bus reads Woolen Mill, Park Street.
The office building is now known as the Millhouse Condos following a residential retrofit in the 1980's.
In 1950 this location was 6/10ths of a mile deep into Albemarle County.
Inter-jurisdictional mass transit!
