Sunday, September 30, 2007

24 cents & 3/4 pound of wool per yard

from the Baltimore-Pritchett collection, date and subjects unknown

Apparently Marchant continued to operate the grist mill and plaster mill while these arrangements were being negotiated. By August, 1854, he felt "that his prospects... [were] brightening for getting the Factory in successful operation again." He publicly promised that the would be ready for "the next Wool Season." Meanwhile, he returned to his previous dry goods and grocery business in town, and supplemented his income by serving as a collector of bad debts for Albemarle and adjoining counties. Not until the following April was the mill able to resume operations. By the middle of 1857, Marchant was offering to make white and colored jeans at twenty-two and twenty-four cents per yard respectively, provided three-fourths of a pound of clean wool were furnished for each yard of cloth desired. John C. Patterson, who now began a long and intimate association with the mill, sold locally the products of the mill.--Harry Poindexter

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